Today is Wednesday and my day off. Well, the skies were very cloudy - my camera being plugged into the computer for a week left me with a dead battery! So.........I am left with only my phone to take photos.
My trip to and from Longview takes me past a couple of really nice trees that always catch my eye.
This is one of them -
I do not know what happened to this tree. It was just tall and had the large limbs at the top when we moved here a couple of years ago. The holes in the end of the branches make me curious. It seems to be getting new branches now. Perhaps it will be putting out leaves soon.
My most favorite tree is at the First Presbyterian Church in Longview. It is one fantastic tree. I truly wish I had my other camera working. It is what it is -
and a close up of the wonderful blooms -
The next is in my own yard, planted in memory of my mother, who loved weeping willow trees.
and it is beginning to get leaves already -
You can see the skies decided to clear up. I was not heading back to Longview. My oh my, how the skies changed in two hours!
Thanks Cari for having me look at my world a little closer!
I love that first tree- is it a sweetgum tree? The branches with holes in them are very interesting looking.
ReplyDeleteYour magnolias are in bloom? Wait- are they called "tulip trees" in Texas? They're beautiful no matter what they're called.
And Granny's tree is looking wonderful.
The tree in bloom is - A saucer magnolia, sometimes known as a tulip tree. That is what the local paper named it.
DeleteThe first tree I don't think is a sweetgum ,but not sure what it is. Will have to check it out closer.
Mother's tree is doing great. Need to trim the bottom branches some more so it can spurt up taller again like it did the last time I trimmed it. I was afraid in our ice storms that it wouldn't come back strong, but it appears to be doing fine!
Thats a very sweet idea to plant a tree in remembrence of someone. The Jane Magnolia is very pretty as well. I love flowering trees.
ReplyDeleteLove all the pics!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe closeup on the weeping willow leaves is lovely!
ReplyDeleteTulip trees, that's what we always called them, are my most favorite trees of all. Not only the gorgeous blooms, but they are almost always good climbing trees. So fun, and this is one beautiful. The first tree sure does look like it has a story to tell!
ReplyDeleteWeeping willows are some of my favorite trees, too. I love that you planted one in memory of your mother. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd that tree on the top: I love it for all its craziness.